You can check the map of the current location and the location of the Tamer.
If it is a Village, you can even check the location of the NPCs.
You can use the chat function of Normal, Shout, Guild, Party, and
Whisper by selecting the option at the bottom.
You can check the portrait of the Digimon currently set as the leader,
Lv (Level), HP (Health), VP (Vigor), EVP (Evolution), and EXP (Experience).
HP :Digimon's health Status (red gauge)
VP: Points consumed when Digimon uses skills.
If a Digimon does not have the required VP to use the skill, the skill cannot be used.
EVP: Evolution Point.
If EVP is depleted, the evolution state cannot be maintained even in battles.
It shows the entire map and is divided into Real World and Digital World.
You can find items purchased with Crown(In-game Premium Currency).
You can check the Tamer's level and wear items.
You can manage detailed information, status, and skills of the selected Digimon.
It shows up to 5 Digimons you own, and you can check leader Digimon settings and Digimon information in the list.
You can check the cards and items you have and set the cards to be used in battles.
You can view the list of friends and guild members and set other Tamers to block.
You can check the Digimon Encyclopedia, Evolution Tree, and Resonance Status.
You can create a party to recruit party members or apply for the created party.
You can adjust video, sound, game options, and more.
Capturing, Summoning, and Evolving are possible.
Evolution can be progressed by choosing between
Champion-level, Ultimate-level, and Mega-level. However,
it cannot be changed from an upper level to a lower level digivolved form.
Ex) Cannot evolve from Tocomon's Mega-level [Seraphimon]
to Champion-level [Angemon].
The Card Slash in the upper left indicates the number of times it
can be used, and the card slash in the upper right (right side of the
Command UI) allows you to register cards during battle to apply
additional effects. You can quickly register a card to use by using
the [Number keys (1, 2, 3)] on the keyboard, and empty the slots
with the [~] key at once.
You can select the type of attack by using normal attack
(shortcut F1), skill 1 (shortcut F2), and skill 2 (shortcut F3).
When the TP gauge is full, you can take action.
(You cannot attack until the gauge is full)
You can retreat during battle, and the number of defeats
will increase but EXP will not be lost.
You can check the map of the current location and the location of the Tamer.
If it is a Village, you can even check the location of the NPCs.
You can use the chat function of Normal, Shout, Guild, Party, and
Whisper by selecting the option at the bottom.
You can check the portrait of the Digimon currently set as the leader,
Lv (Level), HP (Health), VP (Vigor), EVP (Evolution), and EXP (Experience).
HP :Digimon's health Status (red gauge)
VP: Points consumed when Digimon uses skills.
If a Digimon does not have the required VP to use the skill, the skill cannot be used.
EVP: Evolution Point.
If EVP is depleted, the evolution state cannot be maintained even in battles.
It shows the entire map and is divided into Real World and Digital World.
You can check the Tamer's level and wear items.
It shows up to 5 Digimons you own, and you can check leader Digimon settings and Digimon information in the list.
You can view the list of friends and guild members and set other Tamers to block.
You can find items purchased with Crown(In-game Premium Currency).
You can manage detailed information, status, and skills of the selected Digimon.
You can check the cards and items you have and set the cards to be used in battles.
You can check the Digimon Encyclopedia, Evolution Tree, and Resonance Status.
You can adjust video, sound, game options, and more.
Capturing, Summoning, and Evolving are possible. Evolution can be progressed by choosing between Champion-level, Ultimate-level, and Mega-level. However, it cannot be changed from an upper level to a lower level digivolved form. Ex) Cannot evolve from Tocomon's Mega-level [Seraphimon] to Champion-level [Angemon].
The Card Slash in the upper left indicates the number of times it can be used, and the card slash in the upper right (right side of the Command UI) allows you to register cards during battle to apply additional effects. You can quickly register a card to use by using the [Number keys (1, 2, 3)] on the keyboard, and empty the slots with the [~] key at once.
You can select the type of attack by using normal attack (shortcut F1), skill 1 (shortcut F2), and skill 2 (shortcut F3).
When the TP gauge is full, you can take action. (You cannot attack until the gauge is full)
You can retreat during battle, and the number of defeats will increase but EXP will not be lost.