[Patch Note] Digimon RPG 1.17 Update Patch Note (Additional Information Added)




Hello Tamers! This is Digital Administration.


On the 10th of November (Thursday) at 02:00 PM (KST),


Digimon RPG (NA) server will be applying the 1.17 Update.


Please check the updated information below for game usage.


 [Server Maintenance Schedule]



■ Server Maintenance Date: 10th of November (Thursday), 2022

■ Server Maintenance Time: 02:00 PM (KST) ~ 06:00 PM (KST)

                           05:00 AM (UTC) ~ 09:00 AM (UTC)

                           00:00 AM (EST) ~ 04:00 AM (EST)

                           11:00 PM (CST) ~ 03:00 AM (CST)

                           09:00 PM (PST) ~ 01:00 AM (PST)


■ Maintenance Content: 1.17 Update


■ Update Information



1. Promotion


[Promotion to be held]



Pepero's Day Box


Description: To celebrate Pepero Day, we're selling a special item, Pepero's Day Box.


Price : 50 Crown



What’s inside : Pepero's Day Box 1ea, DR’s Earned Coins 1ea


Sales Location : Tamer Equipment – Tamer Reinforcement ​




 Obtainable items from Pepero's Day Box



- 2022 Pepero Day [Title]


- Edible Gold Powder: An item that reinforces the Striped XX Pepero bar with the Shining Striped XX Pepero bar (14Day)


- Invaluable Magical Pepero (Strawberry) : Buff item, (For 11 minutes) ATK will increase by 11%


- Invaluable Magical Pepero (Chocolate): Buff item, (For 11minutes)  Digimon EXP +111%


- Invaluable Magical Pepero (Almond): Buff item, (For 11minutes)  All stats +11



※ The number of Pepero: Strawberry 10ea / Chocolate 15ea / Almond 15ea




※ Sales Period : 10th of October 2022 (Thu) after server maintenance ~ 24th of November 2022 (Thu)


※ Invaluable Magical Pepero will not be retrieved


※ Edible Gold Powder and Shining Striped XX Pepero bar reinforced with Edible Gold Powder will not be retrieved.


※ Use the buffs of Invaluable Magical Pepero and Magical Pepero, regardless of type, only the last one used will be applied



 [New In-Game Shop Updates]


Broken Spirit Pieces


Description: Items that can be used to increase the probability of coping with spirit when combination spirits are added.


Price : 50 Crown



What’s inside : Broken Spirit Pieces 1ea, DR’s Earned Coins 1ea


Sales Location : Tamer Equipment – Tamer Reinforcement ​




② Jump GateX5 (500 Pieces) + DR’s Earned Coins 1ea


Price : 50 Crown


③ Gate of DungeonX5 (250 Pieces) + DR’s Earned Coins 1ea


Price : 50 Crown


④ Excalibur (220 Units) + DR’s Earned Coins 1ea


Price : 50 Crown


⑤ Accelerator (138 Units) + DR’s Earned Coins 1ea


Price : 50 Crown




2. Event


[Events to be held]


① Pumpmon's Lost Candy


Description: The clumsy Pumpmon lost his candy!


I heard that if you bring candy to Pumpmon, he will give you something good...?​



[How to participate]


1) Find Pumpmon in the event channel.


2) Give the candies to Pumpmon and receive the from Pumpmon


2-1) The types of candies are as follows.

Grape flavored Candy 50ea / Apple flavored Candy 50ea / Strawberry flavored Candy 9ea / Banana flavored Candy 50ea / Peppermint flavored Candy 50ea



[Inside of Pepero Equipment Box]


- Chocolate Pepero Bar


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect – Digimon EXP+50% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- Chocolate Pepero Bar with Toppings


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect – Digimon EXP+100% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- Striped Chocolate Pepero Bar


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect – Digimon EXP+150% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- Strawberry Pepero Bar


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect - Characteristic Activation Chances+3% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- Strawberry Pepero Bar with Toppings


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect - Characteristic Activation Chances+5% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- Striped Strawberry Pepero Bar


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect - Characteristic Activation Chances+10% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- White Chocolate Pepero Bar


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect - ATK+3% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- White Chocolate Pepero Bar with Toppings


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect - ATK+5% / Time limitation - 1Day)


- Striped White Chocolate Pepero Bar


(Equip slot - Hand / Effect - ATK+10% / Time limitation - 1Day)



※ Could obtain one of the item from Pepero Equipment Box.



Event Duration

November 10, 2022(Thu) ~ November 24, 2022(Thu) before regular maintenance.


※ Pepero Equipment Box will be retrieved after December 8, 2022 (Thu) after regular maintenance.​




Lilithmon’s Pepero giveaway


Description : Lilithmon wants to give away the Pepero on Pepero Day.


Talk to Lilithmon and get a free Pepero box!




[How to participate]


1) Find Lilithmon at Event Channel


2) Talk to Lilithmon, could get ’11 Lilithmon's Pepero Box’


※ Could get Pepero from Lilithmon 2 times a day (AM and PM)




List of items obtainable from Lilithmon’s box


- Magical Pepero (Chocolate)


(Digimon EXP +111% for 11 minutes)


- Magical Pepero (Almond)


(All stats +11 for 11 minutes)


- Magical Pepero (Strawberry)


(ATK +11% for 11 minutes)


- [Tamer Title] Cutesy


- [Tamer Title] Temptation



Event Duration


November 10, 2022(Thu) ~ before maintenance November 24, 2022(Thu)




※ All the items related to Lilithmon's Box will be retrieved after 8th of December's maintenance.




[Ending Event]


Vamdemon's Lost Memory Event


Description : Vamdemon's Lost Memory Event will be ended and related NPC will be removed.


※ Candies in Vamdemon's Secret Box, Witch's Hat, and Candy Mix Case will be retrieved after 24th of November's maintenance.




3. System


Spirit Combination System


Description : Could make perfect spirit with imperfect spirit item by using Spirit Combination System.


1. Click Cherubimon (Virtue) at Tsuchidarumon Village


2. Click ‘Spirit Combination’ button


3. Register 2 same types of imperfect spirit


※ If there is any untradeable item is included, an untradeable perfect spirit will be crafted


4. Register 2 combination ingredient


5. Add imperfect spirits to increase the chances of Spirit Combination


※ It is a system to increase success chances, could try combinations without adding an ingredient


※ Could add any type of imperfect spirit which is tradeable or not, the chances will increase by the amount of a number of imperfect spirits as below.




6. Add ‘Imperfect Spirit’ (The item) to increase additional chances on additional ingredient slots.


※ ‘Imperfect Spirit’ increases combination chances by 20%, could proceed spirit combination without adding it.


※ Also, don’t need to add imperfect spirit to increase the chance, could just add ‘Imperfect Spirit’ to increase combination chances to 25%


7. Click continue to proceed spirit Combination


※ If success, perfect spirit will be given to the shop depository, if fails, all the ingredient items will be removed.




4. Item


New item


1) New Digimon Title


Description : 1 New Digimon Title will be added


(1) 2022 Pepero Day [Title] : All stats +22 / Battle Rating +11% / Characteristic Activation Chances +3%


2) Spirit Combination System


Description : 2 New item related to Spirit Combination will be added


(1) Imperfect Spirit : Item that increases chances when trying an imperfect spirit combination.


(2) Broken Spirit Pieces : Item that could replace spirt to increase chances when trying imperfect spirit combination.



5. In-Game Changes


Battle Server POINT SHOP Item add


Description : Could purchase ‘Imperfect Spirit’ with ‘30000 POINT’.




Event Capsule Machine & Payment Reward Coin Machine


Description : The event capsule machine's Rainbow-grade product will be changed from ‘Exchange Ticket : Super Ultimate X (Vaccine)’ to ‘Exchange Ticket : Super Ultimate X (Data)


※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every Thursday throughout the event.



③ Payment Reward Coin Machine


Description : Some of the item of Copper grade will be changed.


Remote Beeper (Gerbemon) [7 Days] X, Remote Depository X [7 Days]. Remote Digimon Depository X [7 Days] → Blender for Red Bean Shaved Ice X, Blender for Hoppang X, Blender for Carrot Juice X



④ Payment Reward Coin Machine’s add & change in products


Description : Some of the products of Payment Reward Coin Machine have been changed or added.



Changed Product


- Cosmos[FONT]X ➙ Font Box X

- 2022 Fall Title X ➙ [Title] Item Box X (Premium)




Additional Product


- Raincoat (Male/Female) Sets (14 days) X ➙ 50 coins


- Imperfect Spirit X ➙ 25 coins




6. EXP Bonus Event



Description : 200% EXP Bonus Event will be continued for celebrating the NA Digimon RPG server launch.

Event Period: 10th of November 2022 (Thursday), after the server opens ~ 17th November 2022 (Thursday) 14:00 PM



7. Event regarding Creating Partner Digimon


① Description: Event Partner Digimon changes every week after regular updates.


② Application order of Partner Digimon (rotation)

Yarmon (Impmon) → Hopmon (Monodramon) → Dorimon (DORUmon) → Chibimon (V-mon)


※ The next scheduled server maintenance date is the 17th November (Thursday), 2022.

※ Thank you for your support and interest in us.

We’ll always make an effort to serve a better Digimon RPG for you.