[Patch Note] Digimon RPG 1.07 Update Patch Note ( Additional Information Fixed)

Hello Tamers! This is Digital Administration.

On the 1stof September (Thursday) at 02:00 PM (KST),

Digimon RPG (NA) server will be applying the 1.07 Update.

Please check the updated information below for game usage.


 [Server Maintenance Schedule]
■ Server Maintenance Date: 1st of September (Thursday), 2022

■ Server Maintenance Time: 02:00 PM (KST) ~ 06:00 PM (KST)
                           05:00 AM (UTC) ~ 09:00 AM (UTC)
                           01:00 AM (EST) ~ 05:00 AM (EST)
                           00:00 AM (CST) ~ 04:00 AM (CST)
                           10:00 PM (PST) ~ 02:00 AM (PST)


■ Maintenance Content: 1.07 Update

■ Update Information




1. Event

[Events to be held]

①     September Attendance Event

Description : From 1st September 2022 (Tuesday) ~ until 28th September 2022 (Wednesday), the attendance events will be held.

NPC location: Event Channel / Seraphimon (21,62)

※ Attendance box can only be received once per account. The box is unable to trade and deposit in storage

※ Box rewards will be sent to your Shop Depository (could only access it on the same server).

※ Attendance box will be opened automatically after 3 hours.



 (Before 29th September 2022’s update, the box will be opened after 3 hours regardless of the date.)

※ Some specific items of the Attendance box will be retrieved on the 29th September 2022’s update.

Ex) Attendance Check Box, VIP Potion (Attack), VIP Potion (Exclusive Characteristic), Bunch of Balloons [14 Days] X, Super Booster X [30 Days]





②     Payment Reward Event

Description : We will provide Payment Reward Coins to those who made payments in July and August, and the details are as follows.

The number of provision : 1 Payment Reward Coin for every $10 payment

The Payment Reward Coin Machine contains four-grade products : Rainbow, Gold, Silver, and Bronze

You need a "Payment Reward Coin" to use the Capsule Machine.

The location of the Payment Reward Coin Machine : Event Channel / Payment Reward Coin Machine (70, 53)



※ You can get Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Vaccine), Black Digitron X, Will of Fusion X, Evolution Card Box (Premium) by Attribute, etc

※ If you obtain an item using an illegal method, you may be punished according to the operation policy.

※ If all Rainbow-grade products prepared in the Payment Reward Coin Machine run out, they will be automatically reset.

※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every week on the updated date during the event period.

※ If you get an item of Bronze-grade, you will receive one Payment Reward Cumulative Coin.

※ The event will continue every month from now on.





[Ending Events]

①     July Attendance Event

Description : As the attendance event that took place from July 22nd ends, the items will be retrieved and the items to be retrieved are as follows. 

Attendance Check Box, Perfect Spirit of Water (B) X [14 Days], Perfect Spirit of Water (H) X [14 Days]




② The gift from the AB Support Staff

Description : The gift from the AB Support Staff event ends and related NPCs are going to be removed. 



※ The gift from the AB Support Staff will be fully retrieved on 15th September 2022, so please use it all during the event period.

1. 3 Damaged Crest of Courage [14 Days] X : ATK +130 / DEF +75 / Battle Rating +600
2. 3 Damaged Digimental of Miracles [14 Days] X : STR +16 / AGI +16 / CON +16
3. 1 Damaged Earring of Charm [14 Days] X : STR +9
4. 1 Damaged Ring of Hope [14 Days] X : STR +9
5. 1 Damaged Gaia's Necklace [14 Days] X : STR +9
6. 1 Powerful Lolli lolli Lollipop [14 Days] X : Characteristic Activation Chances +5%




2. System

① PST time and date display system


Description : Added new system on left upper side of Mini-map that displays PST time and date 




3. New NPC

① Payment Reward Coin Machine

Description : Payment Reward coin machine will be added on Event Channel (70,53)




4. Item

① New Items added

1) Payment Reward Coin

Description : Payment Reward Coin will be added

1 Payment Reward Coins will be given for every 10 dollars by adding up the payment amounts for July and August. 



EX) Tamer ’A’ charged 50$ in July and 15$ in August
    Tamer ‘A’ will receive 6 Payment Reward Coins.



※ The payment calculation date is ‘PST-standardized.
※ Check the Patch Note ‘Event’ description to see how to use the Coins. 



2) Payment Reward Cumulative Coin

Description : Payment Reward Cumulative Coin will be added

1 Payment Reward Cumulative Coin will be given to Tamers who draws Bronze-grade item from Payment Reward Coin Machine. 

(Will add new Payment Reward Cumulative Coin exchange shop, in which Tamers can buy, ‘Exchange Ticket : Super Ultimate (Vaccine) X’, Black Digitron X, Will of Fusion X with Payment Reward Cumulative Coins on next update.)




5. In-game Changes

① Event Capsule Machine

Description : The event capsule machine's Rainbow-grade product will be changed from ‘Exchange Ticket : Super Ultimate X (Virus)’ to ‘Exchange Ticket : Super Ultimate X (Vaccine)’

※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every Thursday throughout the event.


③     Item price change

Description : Tamers will get lower Bits when selling Riddle Stone Plate & Riddle Stone Plate X to NPC Shop. (500,000 Bits - > 5000 Bits)




6. Fixed error

① Digimon Kaiser Text

Description : Fixed the text errors when trying to evolve Moon Millenniumon from Digimon Kaiser, located in Underground Passage 2F.

 Before : Moon Millenniumon level over 100
 After :  Moon Millenniumon level over 110



7. EXP Bonus Event

Description : 200% EXP Bonus Event will be continued for celebrating the NA Digimon RPG server launch.

Event Period : 1th September 2022 (Thursday) after the server opens ~ 8th September 2022 (Thursday) 14:00 PM




8. Event regarding Creating Partner Digimon

① Description: Event Partner Digimon changes every week after regular updates.


② Application order of Partner Digimon (rotation)
Yarmon (Impmon) → Hopmon (Monodramon) → Dorimon (DORUmon) → Chibimon (V-mon)

※ The next scheduled server maintenance date is the 8th September (Thursday), 2022.

※ Thank you for your support and interest in us.


We’ll always make an effort to serve a better Digimon RPG for you.