[Patch Note] Digimon RPG 1.33 Update Patch Note


Hello Tamers! This is Digital Administration.


On the 2nd of March (Thursday) at 12:00 PM (KST),


Digimon RPG (NA) server will be applying the 1.33 Update.


Please check the updated information below for game usage.


 [Server Maintenance Schedule]



■ Server Maintenance Date: 2nd of March (Thursday), 2023

■ Server Maintenance Time: 12:00 PM (KST) ~ 06:00 PM (KST)

                           03:00 AM (UTC) ~ 09:00 AM (UTC)

                           10:00 PM (EST) ~ 04:00 AM (EST)

                           09:00 PM (CST) ~ 03:00 AM (CST)

                           07:00 PM (PST) ~ 01:00 AM (PST)


■ Maintenance Content: 1.33 Update


■ Update Information



1. Promotion

[Promotion to be held]

① DigiXros Growth Set Box 4

Description: The DigiXros Growth Set Box 4 will be sold in the in-game shop.

Sales Location: Power Item – Digimon Reinforcement

Price: 100 Crown

Sales Period: Permanent sale.

What’s Inside: 1 Blank Xros Loader, 5 DigiXros Chip: Shoutmon X2, 200 Bits Coupon, 1 Special Taming Net [Dorulumon Only], 1 Growth's EXP Scroll X [Dorulumon Only], 2 DR's Earned Coin


[Promotion to be ended]

① 999 Data Explosions

Description: 999 Data Explosions will no longer be sold in the Shop.



2. Payment Compensation Event

Description: Payment Reward Coins will be provided to those who made payments in February, and the details are as follows.

The number of provisions: 1 Payment Reward Coin for every $10 payment

The Payment Reward Coin Machine contains four-grade products: Rainbow, Gold, Silver, and Bronze

You need a "Payment Reward Coin" to use the Capsule Machine.

The location of the Capsule Machine: Event Channel / Payment Compensation Capsule Machine (70, 53)

※ You can get Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Vaccine), Shining Digimental of Miracles X, Special Taming Net X, Evolution Card Box (Premium), etc. by attribute.

※ If you obtain an item using an illegal method, you may be punished according to the operation policy.

※ If all rainbow-grade products prepared in the capsule machine run out, they will be automatically reset.

※ Rainbow grade products will be changed every week on the updated date during the event period.

※ If you get a Bronze-grade item, you will get one Payment Reward Cumulative Coin.

※ The event will continue every month.



3. Event

[Upcoming Events]

① Attendance Check Event

Description: The attendance check event will be held from 2nd March 2023 (Thu) ~ to 29th March 2023 (Wed).

NPC location: Event Channel/ Seraphimon



※ Attendance box can only be received once per account. The box is unable to trade and deposit in storage
※ Box rewards will be sent to your Shop Depository (could only access it on the same server).
※ Attendance box will be opened automatically after 3 hours.

(Before 13th April 2023’s update, the box will be opened after 3 hours regardless of the date)

※ Some specific items of the Attendance box will be retrieved on the 13th April 2023’s update.

Ex) Attendance Check Box, VIP Potion (Attack), VIP Potion (Exclusive Characteristic), Bunch of Balloons [14 Days] X, Super Booster X [30 Days], Confetti (Fixed-term) X



4. New Digimon

① Dorulumon

Description: A new Digimon, Dorulumon, will be added.

Stats: STR 3 / AGI 2 / CON 2 / INT1

Attribute: Virus

Element Attribute: Wind, Earth

Evolution Level: DigiXros

F2 Skill: Drill Buster (Ranged, Single)

F3 Skill: Dorulu Tornado (Ranged, Multi)


Exclusive Characteristic: Hit and Away

Exclusive Characteristic Description: For all attacks, increases elemental damage against Earth and Electric element attribute enemies by 10%.


Natural Digivolve: Dorulumon


※ The Enemy Digimon Dorulumon appears (85, 265) in the Real World Forest of Learning.

② Shoutmon X3

Description: A new Digimon, Shoutmon X3, will be added.


Stats: STR 4 / AGI 2 / CON 2 / INT1
Attribute: Data

Element Attribute: Fire, Steel

Evolution Level: DigiXros

Characteristic: All at Once, Protection


F2 Skill: Victorize Boomerang (Ranged, Single)

F3 Skill: Three Victorize (Ranged, Multi)


Exclusive Characteristic 1: Spirit, Skill, and Power (1)

Exclusive Characteristic Description: During Battle, decreases damage received by allied Digimon, including itself, by 10%, Digimon EXP +100%.

Exclusive Characteristic 2: Spirit, Skill, and Power (2)

Exclusive Characteristic Description: For all attacks, Increases Shoutmon X3's elemental damage against Wind and Light element attribute enemies by 20%.


DigiXros Digivolve: Shoutmon – Shoutmon X3 (Shoutmon X2 X Dorulumon)



5. Add DigiXros Digivolve

DigiXros Digivolve (Shoutmon X3)

Description: DigiXros evolution method for New Digimon ‘Shoutmon X3’ is added.


● Items needed to DigiXros evolve Shoutmon X3

1) Shoutmon X2 (Base Digimon) Lv.81 or higher

2) Dorulumon (Material Digimon) Lv.71 or higher

3) 1 Blank Xros Loader 

4) 5 DigiXros Chip: Shoutmon X2 

5) 20,000,000 Bit

※ Shoutmon X3 evolution success probability is 100%.

※ All material items used for DigiXros evolution are consumable items and disappear upon completion of evolution.

※ Details on the Shoutmon X3 evolution method can be found through the NPC Wizarmon located in Babamon Village.



6. Item

① New Items

1) DigiXros Chip: Shoutmon X2

Description: Material item required for Shoutmon X3 DigiXros evolution, DigiXros Chip: Shoutmon X2 is added.

Description: DigiXros Chip with Digimon’s Power.


Where to get it: Drops when battling with Enemy Digimon ‘Shoutmon X2’ that appears in West of Gekomon Forest


Drop units and rates from Enemy Digimon

- L-level Shoutmon X2: 1ea / 5%


2) New Tamer effect

Description: 1 new tamer effect is added.

​(1) Confetti X (Fixed-term)

Wearing part: Tamer effect 1

Special Option: Damage +5% before maintenance on 13th April 2023 (Thu)

3) New Tamer Title

Description: 2 new Tamer titles are added.

(1) [Tamer Title] April

(2) [Tamer Title] Fools'


② Item Retrieval

Description: The following items will be retrieved after server maintenance on 2nd March 2023 (Thu).

1) January Attendance Check Event reward items

- Attendance Check Box, VIP Potion (Attack), VIP Potion (Exclusive Characteristic), Bunch of Balloons [14 Days] X, Super Booster X [30 Days]


2) Making warm snack event Items

Description: 4 Snack Coupons and 4 buff items from the Making warm snack event will be retrieved.

- Snack Coupon (Steamed Bun) X, Snack Coupon (Fish Shaped Bun) X, Snack Coupon (Roasted Sweet Potato) X, Snack Coupon (Fish Cake) X, Hot Steamed Bun X, Hot Fish Shaped Bun, Hot Roasted Sweet Potato X, Hot Fish Cake X


3) Susanoomon (fixed-term)

Description: Susanoomon (fixed-term) will be retrieved



7. New Enemy Digimon

① Shoutmon X2

Description: Lv.93 Shoutmon X2 (L) will be added in West of Gekomon Forest (West of Gekomon Forest random location / respawn every minute)



8. In-game Changes

① Event Capsule Machine & Payment Reward Capsule Machine

Description: The capsule machines' Rainbow-grade product will be changed from ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Data)’ to ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Virus)’


※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every Thursday throughout the event.




9. EXP Bonus Event

Description: the base EXP will be increased to 500% for celebrating the Dorulumon update

Description: 2nd March 2023 (Thu) after the server opens ~ before 9th March 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance.



10. Event regarding Creating Partner Digimon

① Description: Event Partner Digimon changes every week after regular updates.

② Application order of Partner Digimon (rotation)

Yarmon (Impmon) → Hopmon (Monodramon) → Dorimon (DORUmon) → Chibimon (V-mon)



※ The next scheduled server maintenance date is the 9th of March (Thursday), 2023.

※ Thank you for your support and interest in us.

We’ll always make an effort to serve a better Digimon RPG for you.