[Patch Note] Digimon RPG 1.32 Update Patch Note (Additional Information Fixed)

Hello Tamers! This is Digital Administration.


On the 23rd of February (Thursday) at 12:00 PM (KST),


Digimon RPG (NA) server will be applying the 1.32 Update.


Please check the updated information below for game usage.


 [Server Maintenance Schedule]



■ Server Maintenance Date: 23rd of February (Thursday), 2023

■ Server Maintenance Time: 12:00 PM (KST) ~ 06:00 PM (KST)

                           03:00 AM (UTC) ~ 09:00 AM (UTC)

                           10:00 PM (EST) ~ 04:00 AM (EST)

                           09:00 PM (CST) ~ 03:00 AM (CST)

                           07:00 PM (PST) ~ 01:00 AM (PST)


■ Maintenance Content: 1.32 Update


■ Update Information



1. Promotion

[Promotion to be held]

 ① DigiXros Growth Set Box 3

Description: The DigiXros Growth Set Box 3 will be sold in the in-game shop.

Sales Location: Power Item – Digimon Reinforcement

Price: 80 Crown

Sales Period: Permanent sale.

What’s Inside: 1 DigiXros Chip: Ballistamon X, 1 DR's Earned Coin, 1 Special Taming Net for Ballistamon Only X, 1 Growth's EXP Scroll X [Ballistamon Only]


② 999 Data Explosions

Description: 999 Data Explosions will be sold in the in-game shop.

Sales Location: Power Item – Power Card

Price: 50 Crown

Sales Period: After 23rd of Feb, 2023 (Thu)’s server maintenance ~ Before 2nd March 2023 server maintenance

What’s Inside: Data Explosion 500 Units ---> 999 Units, 1 DR’s Earned Coin


③ Moist Spring's Rain Box (Male Tamers)

Description: Moist Spring's Rain Box (Male Tamers) will be sold in the in-game shop.

Sales Location: Power Item - Digimon Reinforcement

Price: 100 Crown

Sales Period: After 23rd of Feb, 2023 (Thu)’s server maintenance ~ Before 9th March 2023 server maintenance

What’s Inside: 1 Raincoat (Male) [14 Days], 1 Rain Boots (Male) [14 Days], 1 Umbrella (Male) [14 Days], 1 Moist Rain of Spring (Fixed-term), 2 DR's Earned Coins


④ Moist Spring's Rain Box (Female Tamers)

Description: Moist Spring's Rain Box (Female Tamers) will be sold in the in-game shop.

Sales Location: Power Item - Digimon Reinforcement

Price: 100 Crown

Sales Period: After 23rd of Feb, 2023 (Thu)’s server maintenance ~ Before 9th March 2023 server maintenance

What’s Inside: 1 Raincoat (Female) [14 Days], 1 Rain Boots (Female) [14 Days], 1 Umbrella (Female) [14 Days], 1 Moist Rain of Spring (Fixed-term), 2 DR's Earned Coins



● Component details

- Raincoat (Male) [14 Days]

A 14-day fixed-term avatar item. Can be worn on the Outer parts.

All stats +9 / ATK + 10/ Male Avatar


- Raincoat (Female) [14 Days]

A 14-day fixed-term avatar item. Can be worn on the Outer parts.

All stats +9 / ATK + 10/ Female Avatar


- Rain Boots (Male) [14 Days]

A 14-day fixed-term avatar item. Can be worn on the Shoes parts.

All stats +9 / ATK + 10/ Male Avatar


- Rain Boots (Female) [14 Days]

A 14-day fixed-term avatar item. Can be worn on the Shoes parts.

All stats +9 / ATK + 10/ Female Avatar


- Umbrella (Male) [14 Days]

A 14-day fixed-term avatar item. Can be worn on the Hand parts.

Attack power + 15% / Male Avatar


- Umbrella (Female) [14 Days]

A 14-day fixed-term avatar item. Can be worn on the Hand parts,

Attack power + 15% / Female Avatar


- Moist Spring’s Rain (Fixed-term)

A 14-day fixed-term avatar item. Can be worn on the Tamer effect 2 parts,

Digimon EXP +25% (Special option applied until before 23rd March 2023 server maintenance)


※ A set effect is activated when 3 types of avatar items (Raincoat, Rain Boots, Umbrella) are equipped.

Set effect: ATK +150 / HP +150 / Battle Rating +150 / DEF + 150


[Promotions change]

① DigiXros Growth Set Box 2

Description: DigiXros Growth Set Box 2 is changed to permanent sale.



2. In-game Changes

① Change Royal Base 2F Death-X-DORUgoramon’s Element Attribute

Description: The Element Attribute of Death-X-DORUgoramon that appears in Royal Base 2F is changed from “Fire, Ice” to “Darkness”.


② Changed some Digimon profile icons in the Digimon Encyclopedia

Description: The profile icons of some Digimon in the Digimon Encyclopedia have been changed.


● List of Digimon whose profile icons change

Tailmon, Lopmon, Megalo Growmon, Metal Garurumon, V-mon, Andiramon, XV-mon, Angemon, Angewomon, Ofanimon, Ikkakumon, Wendimon, Impmon, Terriermon, Paildramon, Gabumon, Penmon, Holy Angemon


③ Event Capsule Machine & Payment Reward Capsule Machine

Description: The capsule machines' Rainbow-grade product will be changed from ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Vaccine)’ to ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Data)’.


※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every Thursday throughout the event.



3. EXP Bonus Event

Description: the base EXP will be increased to 500% for celebrating the Ballistamon update.

Event Period: 23rd February 2023 (Thu) after the server opens ~ before 2nd March 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance.



4. Event regarding Creating Partner Digimon

① Description: Event Partner Digimon changes every week after regular updates.

② Application order of Partner Digimon (rotation)

Yarmon (Impmon) → Hopmon (Monodramon) → Dorimon (DORUmon) → Chibimon (V-mon)



※ The next scheduled server maintenance date is the 2nd of March (Thursday), 2023.

※ Thank you for your support and interest in us.

We’ll always make an effort to serve a better Digimon RPG for you.