[Patch Note] Digimon RPG 1.27 Update Patch Note(Additional Information Added)


Hello Tamers! This is Digital Administration.


On the 19th of January (Thursday) at 12:00 PM (KST),


Digimon RPG (NA) server will be applying the 1.27 Update.


Please check the updated information below for game usage.


 [Server Maintenance Schedule]



■ Server Maintenance Date: 19th of January (Thursday), 2023

■ Server Maintenance Time: 12:00 PM (KST) ~ 06:00 PM (KST)

                           03:00 AM (UTC) ~ 09:00 AM (UTC)

                           10:00 PM (EST) ~ 04:00 AM (EST)

                           09:00 PM (CST) ~ 03:00 AM (CST)

                           07:00 PM (PST) ~ 01:00 AM (PST)


■ Maintenance Content: 1.27 Update


■ Update Information



1. Promotion

[Promotion to be held]

① Slash Angemon Promotion Set Box

Description: Slash Angemon Promotion Set Box will be sold in-game shop

What’s inside: ‘Slash Angemon Evolution Card 1 X’ 1ea, ‘Evoluter X’ 1ea, ‘Taming Net: Rookie X’ 1ea, ‘DR's Earned Coin’ 6ea

Price: 300 Crown

Sales Location: SHOP – Power Item – Digimon Reinforcement

Sales Period: 19th January 2023 (Thu) after the server opens ~ before 26th January 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance


2. Event

[Upcoming Events]

Attendance Check Event

Description: The attendance check event will be held from 19th January 2023 (Thu) ~ to 15th February 2023 (Wed).

NPC location: Event Channel/ Seraphimon


※ Attendance box can only be received once per account. The box is unable to trade and deposit in storage
※ Box rewards will be sent to your Shop Depository (could only access it on the same server).
※ Attendance box will be opened automatically after 3 hours.

(Before 2nd March 2023’s update, the box will be opened after 3 hours regardless of the date)

※ Some specific items of the Attendance box will be retrieved on the 2nd March 2023’s update.

Ex) Attendance Check Box, VIP Potion (Attack), VIP Potion (Exclusive Characteristic), Bunch of Balloons [14 Days] X, Super Booster X [30 Days]



3. New Digimon

Slash Angemon

Description: A new Digimon, Slash Angelmon, will be added.

Stats: STR 3 / AGI 4 / CON 1 / INT1


Attribute: Vaccine

Element Attribute: Steel, Light

Evolution Level: Mega Level

Characteristic: Sharpshooter / Amplification / Wind Protection

F2 Skill: Holy Espada (Ranged, Multi)

F3 Skill: Heaven's Ripper (Melee, Single)


Exclusive Characteristic: Elite Killer

Exclusive Characteristic Description: When attacking Elite-level Digimon, Additional damage 1500


Natural Digivolve: Patamon – Angemon – Holy Angemon – Seraphimon

Card Digivolve: Patamon – Angemon – Holy Angemon – Slash Angemon


※ Slash Angemon Evolution Card can be obtained through the in-game shop.



4. Item

 New Items

1) New Digimon Title

Description: A new Digimon Title will be added.


(1) 2023 Year of Black Rabbit [Title]: All stats +23 / Characteristic Activation Chances +3% / HP +400


2) New Tamer Titles

Description: 2 new Tamer Titles will be added.


(1) [Tamer Title] 2023

(2) [Tamer Title] Black Rabbit


3) New Font

Description: A new FONT ‘Polygon [FONT]’ will be added


Item Retrieval

1) December Attendance Check Event Reward items

Description: Some reward items from the attendance check event held in December will be retrieved after the update on 19th January 2023 (Thu), and the list is as follows:

- Attendance Check Box, VIP Potion (Attack), VIP Potion (Exclusive Characteristic), Bunch of Balloons [14 Days] X, Super Booster X [30 Days]


Remove special option

1) 3 Christmas Santa’s Hat

Description: The special options for the Santa’s Hat, Cutie Santa’s Hat, and Cowboy Santa’s Hat items that were sold as a Christmas promotion will be removed after the update on 19th January 2023 (Thu).


④ Item Changes

1) [Title] Item Box (Premium)

Description: 3 new items that can be obtained from the Item Box (Premium) are added.


2) FONT Box

Description: One item that can be obtained from the FONT Box is added.


3) Endless Adventure [Title]

Description: The Endless Adventure [Title] option changes as follows.

Existing option: All stats +22, Battle Rating +15%

Change option: All stats +23, Battle Rating +15%



5. Ladder battle balance adjustments

① Medieval Dukemon

Description: Medieval Dukemon's Ladder Cost is increased by 6.



6. In-game Changes

① Digimon Encyclopedia evolution category added

Description: A Digi Xros button is added to the Encyclopedia evolution category, and Digimon whose evolution stage is Digi Xros are output.


② Modify Huanglongmon Resonance Text (Zhuqiaomon’s Energy / Qinglongmon’s Energy)

Description: Among Resonance, Zhuqiaomon’s Energy and Qinglongmon’s Energy’s activation chance increase rate of ‘Huanglong Ore’ will be modified to be displayed.

1) Zhuqiaomon’s Energy

Existing) Increases the activation chances of Huanglongmon’s Exclusive Characteristic, ‘Huanglong Ore’, and increases the recovery amount of Characteristic ‘Recovery’ by an additional 10%.

Change) Increases the activation chances of Huanglongmon’s Exclusive Characteristic, ‘Huanglong Ore’, by 20%, and increases the recovery amount of Characteristic ‘Recovery’ by an additional 10%.


2) Qinglongmon’s Energy

Existing) The activation chances of Huanglongmon’s Exclusive Charateristic, ‘Huanglong Ore’, is greatly increased and Element Attribute (Darkness, Light) are strengthened

Change) Increases the activation chances of Huanglongmon’s Exclusive Charateristic, ‘Huanglong Ore’, by 30%, and Element Attribute (Darkness, Light) are strengthened


Event Capsule Machine & Payment Reward Capsule Machine

Description: The capsule machines' Rainbow-grade product will be changed from ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Data)’ to ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Virus)’


※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every Thursday throughout the event.



7. Fix in-game error

① Baihumon’s Hideout

Description: When a user joins a party using the party recruitment function and enters Baihumon’s Hideout, it will be fixed to be expelled.



8. EXP Bonus Event

Description: the base EXP will be increased to 500% for celebrating the Susanoomon update

Event Period: 19th January 2023 (Thu) after the server opens ~ before 26th January 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance



9. Event regarding Creating Partner Digimon

① Description: Event Partner Digimon changes every week after regular updates.

② Application order of Partner Digimon (rotation)

Yarmon (Impmon) → Hopmon (Monodramon) → Dorimon (DORUmon) → Chibimon (V-mon)




※ The next scheduled server maintenance date is the 26th of January (Thursday), 2023

Thank you for your support and interest in us.

We’ll always make an effort to serve a better Digimon RPG for you.