[Patch Note] Digimon RPG 1.41 Update Patch Note (Additional Information Fixed)

Hello Tamers! This is Digital Administration.


On the 27th of April (Thursday) at 12:00 PM (KST),


Digimon RPG (NA) server will be applying the 1.41 Update.


Please check the updated information below for game usage.


 [Server Maintenance Schedule]



■ Server Maintenance Date: 27th of April(Thursday), 2023

■ Server Maintenance Time: 12:00 PM (KST) ~ 18:00 PM (KST)

03:00 AM (UTC) ~ 09:00 AM (UTC)

10:00 PM (EST) ~ 04:00 AM (EST)

09:00 PM (CST) ~ 03:00 AM (CST)

07:00 PM (PST) ~ 01:00 AM (PST)



■ Maintenance Content: 1.41 Update


■ Update Information


1. Promotion

[Promotion to be held]

Gold Coin for Capsule Machine​

Description: Gold Coin for Capsule Machine will be sold in the in-game shop.

Price: 50 Crown

What’s Inside: 1 Gold Coin, 1 DR's Earned Coin

Sales Location: Tamer Equipment - Tamer Reinforcement

Sales Period: 27th April 2023 (Thu) after the server opens ~ before 25th May 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance.



2. Event

[Upcoming Events]

Capsule Machine Event

Description: The capsule machine event will be held from 27th April 2023 (Thu) after the server opens ~ before 25th May 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance.

The capsule machine contains 4 products: Rainbow, Gold, Silver, and Bronze, and “Gold Coins for Drawing” are required to use the capsule machine drawing.

Capsule Machine location: Event channel

※ Gold Coins can be purchased for 50 crowns each at [SHOP] > [Tamer Equipment] > [Tamer Reinforcement] in-game.

※ The composition of items that can be obtained from the capsule machine can be found on the In-Game ‘SHOP - Disclose Probability – CAPSULE MACHINE’ Page after the server maintenance on 27th April 2023.

※ If you obtain an item using an illegal method, you may be punished according to the operation policy.

※  If 75% of rainbow-grade products prepared in the capsule machine run out, they will be automatically reset.


[Ending Event]

① 2023 Chackmon vs Agnimon

Description: 2023 Chackmon vs Agnimon Event will end and related NPCs will be removed

 ※ 'Snowball' and 'Flame' will be retrieved after the server maintenance on 27th April 2023 (Thu)


Digimon Adventure Remastering Airing Celebration Event

Description: Digimon Adventure Remastering Airing Celebration Event will end and related NPCs will be removed



3. New Digimon

① Beelzebumon (C)

Description: A new Digimon, Beelzebumon (C), will be added in-game

Stats: Str 4 / Agi 3 / Con 1 / Int 1

Attribute: Virus

Element Attribute: Darkness

Characteristic:  Sniping / Madness / Wind Protection

F2 Skill : Berenjena SDX (Ranged Damage/1 Unit)

F3 Skill : Death the Cannon(Ranged Damage/5 Unit)

Exclusive Characteristic 1: Rapid-Fire [For all attacks, Increases damage by 60% when Haste Card is consumed]

Exclusive Characteristic 2: Reincarnation [Recovers 1% of max HP and increases damage by 10% when  HP drops to 1 or less HP drops below 1 only once during the battle]

※ The increased damage is maintained until the end of the battle and does not activate in case of instant Death.


Natural Digivolve: Impmon → Devimon → Skull Satamon → Beelzebumon

Card Digivolve: Devimon or Ice Devimon→ Baalmon → Beelzebumon (C)

Natural Digivolve: Impmon(Tamed) → Devimon(Tamed) → Skull Satamon(Tamed) → Beelzebumon (Tamed)

Card Digivolve: Impmon(Tamed) → Devimon(Tamed) or Ice Devimon (Tamed) → Baalmon(Tamed) → Beelzebumon (C) (Tamed)

※ How to evolve?: You can evolve using the Beelzebumon (C) Evolution Card.

※ How to get Evolution Card?: Beelzebumon (C) Evolution Card can be obtained from the Gold Coin Capsule Machine.


② Xros Up Mervamon

Description: A new Digimon, Xros Up Mervamon, will be added in-game

Stats: Str 4 / Agi 4 / Con 1 / Int 1

Attribute: Unknown

Element Attribute: Normal

Characteristic: Double Attack / Amplification / Guard

F2 Skill: Madness Merry-Go-Round DX (Ranged/1 Unit)

F3 Skill: Sexy the Cannon (Ranged/5 Unit)

Exclusive Characteristic 1: Accelerate [For all attacks, Increases damage by 100% when Haste Card is consumed]

Exclusive Characteristic 2: Linkage [For all attacks, Increases damage by (Xros Up Mervamon Agi/50)% for every 2nd attack]

Exclusive Characteristic 3: Regenerate [Recovers 10% of max HP and increases damage by 20% when HP drops to 1 or less HP drops below 1 only once during the battle]

※ The increased damage is maintained until the end of the battle and does not activate in case of instant Death.


Natural Digivolve: Palmon → Togemon → Lilimon → Rosemon

DigiXros: Palmon → Togemon → Lilimon → Xros Up Mervamon (Mervamon X Beelzebumon (C) (Tamed)

※ How to evolve?: You can evolve through NPC Wizarmon in Babamon Village.



4. Add DigiXros Digivolve

DigiXros Digivolve (Xros Up Mervamon)

Description: DigiXros evolution method for New Digimon ‘Xros Up Mervamon’ is added.

Items needed to DigiXros evolve Xros Up Mervamon

1) Mervamon (Base Digimon) Lv.110 or higher

2) Beelzebumon (C) (tamed) (Material Digimon) Lv.71 or higher

3) 1 Blank Xros Loader

4) 5 DigiXros Chip: Mervamon

5) 100,000,000 Bit


※ Xros Up Mervamon evolution success probability is 100%.

※  All material items used for DigiXros evolution are consumable items and will be consumed upon completion of evolution.

※ Details on the Xros Up Mervamon evolution method can be found through the NPC Wizarmon located in Babamon Village



5. Item

① New Item

1) 3 New Tamer Effects

Description: 3 New Tamer Effects will be added in-game

(1) Breeze

Wearing part: Tamer Effect 1

Special Option: Digimon EXP +50% before server maintenance on 8th June 2023 (Thu)


(2) Air Balloon

Wearing part: Tamer Effect 2

Special Option: Digimon EXP +50% before server maintenance on 8th June 2023 (Thu)


(3) Spring Vibes

Wearing part: Tamer Effect 3

Special Option: Digimon EXP +50% before server maintenance on 8th June 2023 (Thu)


2) New Digimon Title

Description: 1 New Digimon Title will be added in-game

(1) 2023 Children's Day [Title]: Atk +23 / Characteristic Activation Chances +5% / HP +230


3) New FONT

Description: 1 New FONT will be added in-game

(1) Toy block [Font]


② Existing Item Change

1) Frog Costume

Description: During the capsule machine event, special options are applied to the frog costume.

Special option Digimon EXP +100% before server maintenance on 8th June 2023 (Thu)



6. In-game Changes

Event Capsule Machine & Payment Reward Capsule Machine

Description: The capsule machines' Rainbow-grade product will be changed from ‘Exchange

Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Vaccine)’ to ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Data)’

※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every Thursday throughout the event.


Changed the number of ’Symbols of Deva’ required for ‘Teleport: Royal Base’ exchange

Description: The number of ‘Symbols of Deva’ consumed when exchanging the 2F and 3F 'Teleport: Royal Base’ is changed as follows

'Teleport: Royal Base 2F': 3 Symbols of Deva

'Teleport: Royal Base 3F': 5 Symbols of Deva


③ Changed the use of evolution return in the battle zone to be unusable.

Description: All types of evolution returns in the battle zone are changed to be unusable.


④ Changed Peppermint flavored Candy Buff not to apply to Hidden Boss Daimon Masaru in Darkness Dungeon HARD

Description: When fighting the hidden boss Daimon Masaru in Darkness Dungeon HARD, Agumon S will appear even if you have Peppermint flavored Candy Buff.



7. Fix In-game error

An error where the increased value of ''Amplification'' in Characteristic was applied 10% lower is fixed.



8. EXP Bonus Event

Description: The base EXP will be increased to 500% for celebrating the Gold Coin update.

Event Period: 27th April 2023 (Thu) after the server opens ~ before 4th May 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance.



9. Event regarding Creating Partner Digimon

① Description: Event Partner Digimon changes every week after regular updates.

② Application order of Partner Digimon (rotation)

 Yarmon (Impmon) → Hopmon (Monodramon)Dorimon (DORUmon)→ Chibimon (V-mon)



※ The next scheduled server maintenance date is the 4th of May 2023.

※ Thank you for your support and interest in us.

We’ll always make an effort to serve a better Digimon RPG for you