[Patch Note] Digimon RPG 1.21 Update Patch Note (Additional Information Fix)




Hello Tamers! This is Digital Administration.


On the 8thof December (Thursday) at 02:00 PM (KST),


Digimon RPG (NA) server will be applying the 1.21 Update.


Please check the updated information below for game usage.


 [Server Maintenance Schedule]



■ Server Maintenance Date: 8thof December (Thursday), 2022

■ Server Maintenance Time: 02:00 PM (KST) ~ 06:00 PM (KST)

                           05:00 AM (UTC) ~ 09:00 AM (UTC)

                           00:00 AM (EST) ~ 04:00 AM (EST)

                           11:00 PM (CST) ~ 03:00 AM (CST)

                           09:00 PM (PST) ~ 01:00 AM (PST)


■ Maintenance Content: 1.21 Update


■ Update Information



1. Promotion


[Promotion to be held]


① Christmas Promotion Set Box 1

Description: Christmas Promotion Set Box 1 will be sold in game shop

Sales Location: Power Item - Digimon Reinforcement

Price: 630 Crown

What’s inside: Pass Coin 20ea, DR’s Earned Coin 12ea

Sales Period: 8th December 2022 (Thu) Server maintenance ~ before 29th December 2022 (Thu) Server maintenance


② Christmas Promotion Set Box 2

Description: Christmas Promotion Set Box 2 will be sold in game shop

Price: 170 Crown

What’s inside: Costume Repair Kit 6ea, Fenrir Sword Set Box 1ea, Random Spirit Box 1ea, Broken Spirit Pieces 1ea, DR’s Earned Coin 3ea.

Sales Location: Tamer Equipment - Tamer Reinforcement

Sales Period: 8th December 2022 (Thu) Server maintenance ~ before 29th December 2022 (Thu) Server maintenance


② X-Mas Gift Box

Description: To celebrate Christmas we are selling X-Mas Gift box

Sales Location: Power Item – Digimon Reinforcement

Price: 30 Crown

Random List – 2022 Holly Jolly X-mas [Title] / Jingle Bells [FONT]/ Santa Shoes (Male) [14 Days]/ Santa Shoes (Female) [14 Days]/ Santa Gloves (Male) [14 Days] / Santa Gloves (Female) [14 Days]/ Santa Costume (Male) [14 Days]/ Santa Costume (Female) [14 Days]/ Carrot Juice / Vaccine Conversion Chip / Virus Conversion Chip / Data Conversion Chip / Red Bean Shaved Ice / Hoppang / Avalon's Gate / Emperor's Fang / Royal Knights Force / Characteristic Capsule No. 1 (Attack) / Characteristic Capsule No. 1 (Defense) / Characteristic Capsule No. 1 (Assist) / Cutie Winter Clothes Set [30 Days] / Rudolph Costume [30 Days] / Padded Jumper Costume [30 Days]/ Snowboard Suit Costume [30 Days]

※ When opening the X-Mas Gift Box, you can get one of the above components. 


※Sales Period: 8th December 2022 (Thu) after server maintenance ~ before 5th January 2022 (Thu) Server maintenance


③ Bundles X-Mas Gift Boxes

Description: To celebrate Christmas we are selling Bundles of X-Mas Gift Boxes

Sales Location: Power Item - Digimon Reinforcement

Price: 150 Crown

What’s inside: X-Mas Gift Box 5ea, DR’s Earned Coin 3ea

Sales Period: 8th December 2022 after server maintenance ~ before 5th January 2022 (Thu) Server maintenance

④ Santa's Hat

Description: To celebrate Christmas we are selling Santa's Hat, Cutie Santa's Hat, and Cowboy Santa's Hat

Sales Location: Avatar - Cap

Price: 20 Crown

● Special Option:

Cutie Santa's Hat – ATK +10% (for Female-Tamers)

Cowboy Santa's Hat - ATK +10% (for Male-Tamers)

Santa's Hat – Digimon EXP + 100%, Tamer EXP+9

※ Santa's Hat, Cutie Santa's Hat, and Cowboy Santa's Hat cannot be reinforced, and special options apply until 19th January 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance.

※ Sales Period: 8th December 2022 after server maintenance ~ before 5th January 2022 (Thu) Server maintenance


● Santa Shoes (Male) [14 Days] [Shoes]

Effect: All stat +9, ATK +10

Set Effect: ATK +150, HP +150, Battle Rating +150, DEF +150

(Set Effect occurs when Santa Shoes (Male) are worn together with Santa Costume (Male) and Santa Gloves (Male))

● Santa Shoes (Female) [14 Days] [Shoes]

Effect: All stat +9, ATK +10

Set Effect: ATK +150, HP +150, Battle Rating+150, DEF +150

[Set Effect occurs when Santa Shoes (Female) are worn together with Santa Costume (Female) and Santa Gloves (Female)]


● Santa Gloves (Male) [14 Days] [Hand]

Effect: All stat +9, ATK +10

Set Effect: ATK+150, HP+150, Battle Rating+150, DEF+150

[Set Effect occurs when Santa Gloves (Male) are worn together with Santa Costume (Male) and Santa Shoes (Male)]

● Santa Gloves (Female) [14 Days] [Hand]

Effect: All stat +9, ATK +10

Set Effect: ATK+150, HP+150, Battle Rating+150, DEF+150

[Set Effect occurs when Santa Gloves (Female) are worn together with Santa Costume (Female) and Santa Shoes (Female)]

● Santa Costume (Male) [14 Days] [Outer]

Effect: All stat +9, ATK +10

Set Effect: ATK+150, HP+150, Battle Rating+150, DEF+150

[Set Effect occurs when Santa Costume (Male) are worn together with Santa Shoes (Male) and Santa Gloves (Male)]


● Santa Costume (Female) [14 Days] [Outer]

Effect: All stat+9, ATK+10

Set Effect : ATK+150, HP+150, Battle Rating+150, DEF+150

[Set Effect occurs when Santa Costume (Female) are worn together with Santa Shoes (Female) and Santa Gloves (Female)]



2. Payment Compensation Event


Description: Payment Reward Coins will be provided to those who made payments in November, and the details are as follows.

The number of provisions: 1 Payment Reward Coin for every $10 payment

The Payment Reward Coin Machine contains four-grade products: Rainbow, Gold, Silver, and Bronze

You need a "Payment Reward Coin" to use the Capsule Machine.

The location of the Capsule Machine: Event Channel / Payment Compensation Capsule Machine (70, 53)


※ You can get Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Vaccine), Shining Digimental of Miracles X, Special Taming Net X, Evolution Card Box (Premium), etc. by attribute.


※ If you obtain an item using an illegal method, you may be punished according to the operation policy.

※ If all rainbow-grade products prepared in the capsule machine run out, they will be automatically reset.

※ Rainbow grade products will be changed every week on the updated date during the event period.

※ If you get a Bronze-grade item, you will get one Payment Reward Cumulative Coin.

※ The event will continue every month from now on.



2. Event

[Events to be held]


① Attendance Event

Description: From 8th December 2022 (Tuesday) ~ until 4th January 2022 (Wednesday), the attendance events will be held.

NPC location: Event Channel/ Seraphimon



※ Attendance box can only be received once per account. The box is unable to trade and deposit in storage

※ Box rewards will be sent to your Shop Depository (could only access it on the same server).

※ Attendance box will be opened automatically after 3 hours.

(Before 19th January 2023’s update, the box will be opened after 3 hours regardless of the date)

※ Some specific items of the Attendance box will be retrieved on the 19th January 2023’s update.

Ex) Attendance Check Box, VIP Potion (Attack), VIP Potion (Exclusive Characteristic), Bunch of Balloons [14 Days] X, Super Booster X [30 Days]


3. Item

① New Items

1) Digimon Title

Description: A new Digimon title will be added.

[Digimon Title] 2022 Holly Jolly X-mas / Effect: All stat +22, ATK +25, VP +150


2) Font

Description: A new Font Jingle Bells [FONT] will be added.


② Item Retrieval

1) Items related to the Pepero Day event

- Magical Pepero (Strawberry) / Magical Pepero (Chocolate) / Magical Pepero (Almond)

- Lilithmon's Pepero Box / Pepero Equipment Box


③ Item Changes

1) [Title] Item Box (Premium)

Description: [Title] 4 new items that can be obtained from the Item Box (Premium) are added.


2) FONT Box

Description: 3 new items that can be obtained from the FONT Box are added.



4. New System

① Avatar remaining time notification window

Description: A notification window will be added to inform you of the remaining duration of the avatar worn by the tamer.

The avatar remaining time notification window is displayed in the upper left corner of the game, and when the mouse is over, the remaining time of the avatar being worn is displayed, and only the 6 types of avatar parts displayed are Cap, Outer, Top, Bottom, Shoes, and Whole Body Costume. Also, if there is an avatar with less than 24 hours remaining among the avatars you are wearing, a “!” icon is displayed.

※ This is a system that helps to repair the avatar you are wearing, and fixed-term items that cannot be repaired will not be displayed.


5. In-game Changes


① Event Capsule Machine & Payment Reward Capsule Machine

Description: The event capsule machine's Rainbow-grade product will be changed from ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Data)’ to ‘Exchange Ticket: Super Ultimate X (Virus)’

※ Rainbow-grade products will be changed every Thursday throughout the event.


② Fixed an error related to Susanoomon evolution

Description: KudamonS will be changed so that it cannot be evolved into Magna Garurumon or Susanoomon.

Abnormally evolved Digimon will be collectively modified, and related evolution items will be sent to the DEPOSITORY.


③ Fixed some event item retrieval errors

Description: An error in which some items retrieved after the event ended could not be retrieved because they could be registered in the consignment shop is fixed, and event items that are retrieved after the update are changed so that they cannot be registered in the consignment shop.

Items that were not retrieved and remained abnormal will be deleted in bulk.


④ Drop Item

Description: Due to the end of Digimon Bread sales in Korea, bread coins will no longer be dropped (we will not retrieve bread coins), and the Bread Coin Capsule Machine will be removed on 26th January


6. EXP Bonus Event

Description: the base EXP will be increased to 500% for celebrating the Susanoomon update

Event Period: 8th December 2022 (Thu) after server opening ~ before 26th January 2023 (Thu) Server maintenance


7. Event regarding Creating Partner Digimon

① Description: Event Partner Digimon changes every week after regular updates.

② Application order of Partner Digimon (rotation)


Yarmon (Impmon) → Hopmon (Monodramon) → Dorimon (DORUmon)→ Chibimon (V-mon)


※ The next scheduled server maintenance date is the 15th of December (Thursday), 2022.

※ Thank you for your support and interest in us.


We’ll always make an effort to serve a better Digimon RPG for you.