[Notice] Discontinuation of Beelzebumon(C) Evolution Set Box Sales and Changes to Some Capsule Machine products

Hello Tamers! this is the Digital Administration


Starting from the update on 21st March 2024, the sale of Beelzebumon(C) Evolution Set Box will be discontinued, 
and some rainbow products in the event server's capsule machines will be changed. 
For more details, please refer to the following information.




1. Discontinuation of Beelzebumon(C) Evolution Set Box Sales in the in-game shop

2. Changes to rainbow products in the event server's Capsule Machines

1) Sunflower Capsule Machine
Before: Special Taming Net for Starmons Only
After: Beelzebumon (C) Evolution Card 1


2) Maple Leaf Capsule Machine
Before: Special Taming Net for Mailbirdramon Only
After: Mercurymon Evolution Card 1



Thank you!