[Notice] 8th May 2023 NA DR server unstable issue

Hello Tamers. This is Digital Administration.


We found an issue of server instability since last week's update
Now we found the cause and fixed it with a live patch


Cause: Server overload due to adding Spiral Mountain Dungeon data 


After you restart the client, you can play the game normally

As an apology for the server's unstable issue, we would like to give an additional EXP bonus to all tamers.


1000% bonus EXP applied this week every 18:00 ~ 24:00 PST

※ Regarding the dungeon crash, please send a ticket to the website QNA along with the form below:

​[Category] Gameplay

[title] Dungeon crash due to server instability


1. Party leader name:

2. All party member names :

4. Server time when the crash occurred :

5. Location of the dungeon where the crash occurred: (XXDungeon X Floor when battling XX )

6. Screenshots (attached if any)

※ The party leader should fill out the above and send the ticket


We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.