[Notice] 1st May 2023 NA DR Issue notification

Hello Tamers, This is Digital Administration.


We checked some issue occurring now, please check the

notification below.


[Attendance box issue]

We checked user couldn't obtain 1st May attendance box.

After the bug fix, you could successfully obtain the 2nd May attendance box.

However, for the lost 1st box, we will send the compensation on 18th May.



Compensation: 1st May attendance box

For who: All the users connected event channel on 1st May

When: 18th May after the update patch




[Huanglongmon​ evolution box issue]

We checked the Huanglonmon evolution box that could be obtained on the Gold Coin capsule machine gives extra 3 earned coins.

We decided to maintain this until 4th May.

After the 4th May update patch, the Huanglonmon box from Gold Coin capsule machine will not contain extra 3 earned coins.



Thank you