FINISHED[Event Announcement] Friend or Foe? Meet My DR Buddy

Hello Tamers! Have you made some epic connections while playing Digimon RPG? 

Jump into our event and share those unforgettable stories about your DR buddies!


1. Event Schedule (Server Time)

- Event Dates: 6th June 2024 (Thu) - 20th June 2024 (Thu) 


- Winner Announcement: 21st June, 2024 (Fri)


- Rewards Given: 21st June, 2024 (Fri)


2. How to Join?


Head over to the ''meet-my-dr-buddy'' channel and introduce your best tamer friend or that special tamer partner, along with your favorite memories and stories.


After the event, we'll pick 2 top posts and randomly select 5 lucky participants to win awesome rewards!


3. Event Rewards : 


- Top Stories (2 winners) - 1000 Crowns


- Random Lucky Winners (5 winners) - 500 Crowns


※ In content that violates operational policies or uses inappropriate nicknames, appropriate actions may be taken according to the policy.
※ Inappropriate messages may be deleted without notice and excluded from the participant list.
※ Each user is allowed to participate in the event only once. ※ Participants using abnormal methods to participate in the event will be excluded from the winners.
※ Rewards will be sent to the Tamer you wrote, so please be sure to write your Tamer nickname.
※ If you change the tamer nickname you participated in during event participation before the winner announcement and reward distribution date, you will be excluded from consideration.
※ In case of a mismatch between the in-game and Discord nicknames, the participant will be excluded.


We appreciate your interest and participation in the event🥰