FINISHED[Event Winner Announcement] 2022 Guild Icon Competion Guild Icon Images



Hello Tamers! This is GM Chibimon


We picked a total of 10 guilds for the winner of the Guild Icon contest,



we want to show what the Icon will be and show the guild icon slots for 64x64 bits,



Also, we sent 20x20 bits of BMP images file for a small slot to their guild masters.



Here are all the images that will be applied. 






DigiQueenEmiea / DigiGalaxy




KnowinMan / TeamFlare




Negoro / RoyalKnights




MrLucasMillenium / Avengers



Renn / DigimonRPGID



Varzathe / Helvanthem




Gamble / HighClub


Keinan / Divergent



Emptiness / SevenHeavens



Check the due date has been established, it's until 15th November (Tuesday).

After the due date, we might not able to receive the images :(

So please ready your image before it.



Thank you